Saturday, December 26, 2015

They come back, even more

The Quran says if you give away one, Allah will give you back seven hundred. It means simply, for every one ringgit you give in the path of Allah, you will get a return of seven hundred ringgit. It's in the Quran, Al Baqarah 261. The Quran is true cause its the word of Allah but how many of us are really, really convince that that is true. If we are convince, why are we afraid to give away to the needy for example? I have read a few times of people who said, I give away my money but it keeps coming back, even more! These people are not Muslim but they experienced what the Quran says. Now I feel I am experiencing it a bit. Not that I have given much but the little that I give away, they keep coming back, even more.

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