Monday, December 15, 2008

A Winter to Forget

In a way, coming to England in the month of September to begin student life there is not quite the best of beginnings. This is the time when summer has long disappeared and the cold wind of autumn has taken over. In the months ahead, the cold will get even colder as chilly winter makes its presence. The days get shorter as the nights get longer. Night time is 4 pm and it stays that way till about 8 am the next morning. The sky is dark and gloomy and the atmosphere is downright dull........ and the bloody cold, it has a way of making you feel down!
For a person coming from a tropical climate where the sun rises at 7 am and sets at 7 pm everyday, where the sun never stop shining except when it rains occasionally, where the temperature is hot all of the time, facing winter for the first time is an experienced to forget. The cold, the short daylight hours, the new surroundings, the food, the dark and gloomy days, they all add up to a miserable winter.
Luckily I had the studies to keep me occupied. Otherwise, I wouldn't have survived my first winter.

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