Saturday, November 8, 2008

The story continues.......

Sun and Rain.....Bulls and Bears
Looks like my theory about the sun, rain, bulls and bears is still holding. After 4 days of glorious sunshine, the rain came back a bit. That coincides nicely with the market where the bulls were in rampaging mood before retreating on the 4th day. Nevertheless, the upward trend is still continuing.

Obama, the star
Usually on the way to the office, I would stopped at Bangsar to buy the daily paper and have breakfast. I would reached Bangsar at about 7.15 am having left my house at 6.45 am. So early in the morning and the papers are a plenty. No worry about not getting your copy.
But on Wednesday, on reaching Bangsar and stopping at the 7 eleven to buy my usual paper, I found they were all gone. What a shocked!
Then I remember. All the papers today were about Obama because the day before he had just won an election! That's why its gone so fast. Everybody wants to read about it.

Nuclear and more Nuclear
There's no doubt about it. Nuclear power is here to stay. I attended a four days workshop on nuclear energy organised by Nuclear Afency, Malaysia and that's the message I got. Apparently, nuclear is the way forward. It is cheaper, cleaner and safer.
Will the government make a decision soon on going nuclear? Vietnam, Thailand and Indonesia have all decided on nuclear. When will Malaysia do so?

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