Friday, October 26, 2018

Budget go haywire

When building my house, the budget for building the house was strictly followed or in other words, I was able to restrict the costs of building the house as per budget. However, when I moved in, that's when the budget go haywire. First the costs of moving was way above budget. Then as usual, when we move in there are sure to be things that we found that we have to do. One example is the water pump. That was not budgeted but we found that the water from the pipes in the bathrooms were too slow that it became inconvenient. Then we had to add additional awning at the verandah. That was also not budgeted but without it, the rain will fall straight to the verandah and sometimes get into the house. Then there's the grill for the backyard. Then there's ....... all these were not budgeted. Sigh.....

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