Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Clouded in mystery

The more I read about the missing plane, the more intriguing it becomes. The facts that have been coming from the authorities have not been up to expectation, to say the least. Take the time it was discovered missing. MAS said 2.40am but there have been credible reports to say that it actually went missing at 1.30am. Now which is which? Now the latest twist to the story have everybody up in arms. After putting all the resources, from many different countries searching off the coast of Vietnam for over two days, the Malaysian military have come out to say that it last tracked the plane above the straits of Melaka, at 2.40am. What is happening? No wonder the Chinese are furious. We can't even get our facts right. Its all clouded in mystery. I bet Agatha Christie couldn't have written a better mystery novel.

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