Wednesday, October 8, 2008

30 days of Raya

30 days of Raya
Its only done in Malaysia. 30 days of celebrations to compensate for the 30 days of fasting. For the whole month of Shawal, there'll be non stop open houses. Then there's the office where every department it seems is having Hari Raya gathering. What a grand way to celebrate! Only worry is that all the cleansing done during Ramadhan will be loss in Shawal. The stomach sometimes gets even bigger after Shawal than it was before Ramadhan.

Puasa Enam
This is the six days of fasting in the month of Shawal. The reward is tremendous. Six days in Shawal plus the fasting in Ramadhan is equivalent to fasting the whole year round. I have been doing it for so many years but have not been doing it the last few years because of ulcer of the stomach. Anyway, now that I know the reason for my ulcer, that is because of curry, I will try to do the six days fasting again. Just avoid curry and take a lot of milk. Then I should be allright.

Financial Crisis
Its affecting the whole world. I have never seen anything like it. Not even the 1998 turmoil. Then it was only the few Asian nations like Thailand, Indonesia, Korea and Malaysia but this, its the whole world. Everywhere, the crunch is being felt. The market is falling like ten pins that some countries even had to suspend it. otherwise, it will be a free fall. When will it end?
I saw its beginning a year ago when the Sub prime problem in the USA started. Now the whole world is feeling it.
But if you are brave, this is the time to invest. All stocks are dirt cheap. Buy them and keep for a few years. For sure, you'll make money!

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