The weather is still hot. Thought I read somewhere they say its only till mid March. Now we are at the tail end of the month but the weather has been unrelenting. Air conditioners have been selling like hot cakes. When I am in the office I don't feel it so much because of the air condition but during weekends when I am at home, the heat is unbearable. The fan does little to reduce the suffering. There's very little rain to speak off the last few months. I heard in Langkawi there has been no rain the past four months. Hmm…. that's a really long time to be without rain. I remember years ago when I was in Trengganu during the dry spell. The grass by the roadside has all turned brown, dying. I supposed its the same now.
Thursday, March 31, 2016
I love sports
Sports have always been my favorite subject. I enjoy watching sports and I enjoy playing them. Football is my favorite among all the sports. Until now I still play whenever there's an opportunity. Lucky thing they invented a thing call Futsal. The pitch is smaller while the ball is lighter. Because of that I can still play and compete against people half my age or even younger. The normal football field? That's too big for me now. I can't run as fast or kick as hard. I might be quicker in thoughts but the action is slower. I used to play plenty of golf but I find it takes too long a time to complete a game. I also didn't excel too much in the game. Perhaps its too technical for me. I love rugby as well. Played them in my schooldays. Now I enjoy watching them. These are some of the sports I like most.
Wednesday, March 30, 2016
To stay healthy
It seems that 2016 barely started but we are already coming towards the end of March already. Soon it will be April, then May then June and so on. The fasting month is about two months away. That means July is coming soon. That's the month when I will be sixty years old. Joining the old citizens club already. Alhamdulillah, I am as healthy as can be at this moment. That's the most important thing at this age. I have friends who have passed away. I have friends who are grappling with health problems. In shaa Allah, I will try to stay healthy by having regular exercise, avoiding unhealthy food and be jovial always.
Tuesday, March 29, 2016
All well
The meeting ended at 10.30pm last night. I am satisfied with the outcome. I have done my best, that's all that is important to me. I headed straight for home after that reaching the house almost 11pm. Akid was fast asleep which is quite unusual as he is normally still awake until about midnight. Maisarah was still awake while Munirah was being breastfed by the mother. Seeing everything is well at home makes up for the tiredness in the office. Its my duty as the breadwinner for the family. Sometimes in order to do that I have to be away for quite a while but it is all worth it when at the end of the day, all is as well as can be.
Maryam Munirah
She has been a good girl so far. No crying in the night, no tantrums. Bathe her, clothes her, gives her her milk, she is ok. That's my number seven.
Monday, March 28, 2016
Do the best I can
Waiting for the meeting to start. Meantime, I had taken my dinner, prepared myself for the meeting by reading the papers again and again. I think I have done all I could but you never know. One spanner thrown in the works and I could be put off my track. Anyway, my mind is thinking of my three small kids at home. Akid, Maisarah and Munirah. Young and innocent, still needing plenty of guiding hand. I will do my best to provide them that. In shaa Allah they will grow into humble servants of Allah. I will provide the love and care that they need, guide them to the correct path. That's my duty and responsibility. No matter what, I will be there for them, just like I did for my earlier children. I might not be perfect but I do the best I can.
The house in Seremban
I was in Seremban on Saturday to collect the keys to my house. Alhamdulillah, the house was as clean as can be. Everything looks almost new even after two years of renting out. The person who rented the house was really great. He gave me back the house in good condition. I couldn't have asked for more. Now my plan is to wait till July until I know my position with my work. Then I will decide what to do. By the way, I like the place very much. Looks like a good pace for retirement.
Back to the routine
After the upheaval of the last few days with the baby being born and my house undergoing repair work to the ceiling, it is back to normal now. Its back to the daily routine of living the life. Last night I was back at the surau after almost a week of being away. This morning I am driving my car back to work after riding the motorbike the past one week. The repair work to the house was completed yesterday. All the furnitures in the house are back to where they should be since yesterday morning. So, everything should be smooth going now. The upheaval is over. Only thing is, there's a meeting at 8pm tonight. Sigh…….its going to be a long day.
Secondary school in Taiping
When I was 17 years old. After that I left for MCKK for a few months to do my form six before finally leaving for England to further my studies in Mechanical Engineering. Most of the classmates I have not met again until recently after the Whatsup application came into being. Even then, not all of them. I would say more than half of the classmates are strangers now. I cannot recall them!
Saturday, March 26, 2016
Grateful always
Today I will be going to Seremban to collect the key to my house from the renter. He has moved out to his own place so the house will be empty for a while. I have decided not to rent out again until my future with my present job is sorted out. That will be in July. Then I will decide what to do next. If I continue working, most probably I will rent the house again. If I stop working, most probably I will move to Seremban. That's the plan at the moment. I pray to Allah for the best. I plan but Allah decides. Whatever happens, I will continue to be grateful to Allah in shaa Allah because for the grateful, Allah will surely give more.
I couldn't ask for more
Its ten days since Munirah was born. She has been great. Sleeping well at night, sucking her mother's milk like a veteran. The mother has been okay too. First day at home after giving birth, she is acting like normal already. It gets me worried sometime. Akid is big enough to understand. He would not cause any harm to the baby in shaa Allah but Maisarah, we have to be careful. In her enthusiasm, she might cause harm to the baby for lack of carefulness. After all, she is only two years old and a bit. Many things have happened recently like problems with my car, the house needed repair, the handphone camera is kaput etc. They all needed money to make good but all in all life has been great. I couldn't ask for more.
Friday, March 25, 2016
At a hotel in PJ
With the kids in PJ. Took them for a stay at the hotel to get away from the noise and dust of the house which is under repair. They coped well with the situation, holed up in the room while I was away working. Anyway, we are back in the house side yesterday, after three nights away. The repair work is almost completed.
Whats next?
The Whatsup application is really great. Yesterday I was linked to my old classmates from Selama. They are long lost friends from around fifty years ago, when I was 6 to 12 years old. Without whatsup, I don't think I would be able to be in communication with them. Really look forward to meeting them in the flesh, that is if time and situation permits. We are all old now, grandfathers and grandmothers I'm sure. I must be among the few that are still working. Sad also to learned that two have left us. If before, it was the e mail, then Facebook. Now its Whatsup. I wonder what they will think of next?
Wednesday, March 23, 2016
A good sleep
Last night I was so tired I slept early. Lucky thing Akid and Maisarah were also tired so they slept early as well. Both woke up early the morning before and both didn't sleep during the day. That helped a lot. Without them sleeping, it would have been impossible for me to sleep. I don't know what time Munirah slept but she was with her mother. I woke up at about 12am on hearing Munirah crying. Carried her in my arm, put her in the trolley, put her on the bed. It went on till about 2am before she was soundly asleep once again. Then I was sleeping again right till morning at about 5.20am when my alarm bell rang. So, in a way, I had a good sleep last night.
Tuesday, March 22, 2016
After giving birth
She is very strong as this is the third time for her. Right from the first day after coming back from the hospital, she is already doing her work around the house. Sweeping, mopping, washing the clothes, bathing Akid and Maisarah, cooking, ironing etc etc. I don't know if it is good or bad as this is a new experience for me. Many times I told her to take it easy. Wait a month or so but her being her, she cannot sit still. She said she feels strong. There is no pain or even if there is, it is bearable. I read before that some western women go jogging within a week of giving birth. So, she is not actually breaking new ground. I just hope everything will turn out alright in the end.
Escaping the noise and dust
The ceiling in the living room collapsed because of termites. We had to call a contractor to do the repair work. As a result, the house is not fit to stay in at the moment, what more with my wife still in confinement. Then there's five days old Munirah as well. I put them up at a hotel near my place of work while the contractor does his job. This afternoon I wanted to see them during lunch break but unfortunately, it rained. As I am using the motorbike for convenience, the rained spoiled my plan. Anyway, I hope they are okay. Much better than be in the house with all the noise and dust and the heat.
Monday, March 21, 2016
Thinking about the future
The future is very much in my mind at the moment. I might be out of job come July when I reached sixty years old. That will mean a big change to my cash flow. To put it in simple terms, the monthly paycheck that has been financing the family and me will not be there anymore. That means a lot of adjustment have to be made to our lifestyle, mostly downward. I worry about the future of Akid, Maisarah and Munirah and the wife. They have a long way to go. I don't know what the future will bring forth. For sure I have to look for a new job to get some income. Otherwise life will be hard. No matter what, life has to go on and I remain grateful for the life that Allah has given me so far. and the future in shaa Allah.
Back at work
Its back to work after the paternity break last week. Was quite hectic in a way with Munirah nicely adjusting to her new life. She has been excellent so far, only crying when she is hungry. Otherwise she has been a very good girl. Can't wait to see her grow, like Akid and Maisarah or like my four earlier children. They have all grown up and living their own life. Three are married with only one more to go. I have brought them up the way I know. I have done my best although my best is sometimes not good enough. However, I am satisfied knowing that I have given my all. Alhamdulillah.
Sunday, March 20, 2016
Finally we have a name for the new baby, Maryam Munirah. She has been alright so far, not causing me to lose sleep because of her not sleeping at night or crying but its early days yet. I have brace myself for such happening. For both Akid and Maisarah, the first two months were trying times as they adjusted to the new environment. There were plenty of times when I hardly had any sleep. After the two months, they began to stabilse. Their sleep pattern becomes predictable. Hopefully Munirah will not give much of a problem, sleepwise.
Friday, March 18, 2016
On paternity leave
I'm on three days paternity leave. That helps a lot although yesterday I took time off from the hospital to attend a meeting at the office. I will be back in the office only on Monday in shaa Allah. Was supposed to go to Bakun next week but off course I can't go now. Nevertheless, there's still many things to do like finding a name for the baby. This weekend I have to go to Seremban to take the key to my house from the rentee. He has moved on to his own house after renting for two years. There's also two wedding do that I have to attend over the weekend. Then there's my 'ceramah' on Sunday at the surau.
Three is enough
Alhamdulillah mother and baby are doing alright. Both are back in the house now after a one night stay at the hospital. The mother's milk will be her only diet for the next few months. In shaa Allah she will grow up well, just like her brother and sister. We have no name for her yet. Can't think of one that we like at the moment. After this I think I have to stop the production house. Three is enough, especially at my age. Take good care of them, teach them to know Allah and his prophet and in shaa Allah, they will grow up to be obedient servants of Allah.
Thursday, March 17, 2016
Finally she's here. At 3.15pm on Wednesday, she came into this world. All 2.9kg of her. My number seven. Now its four boys and three girls.
Wednesday, March 16, 2016
It seems that my number seven is taking her time to get into this world. I have been on tenterhooks since two weeks ago, anticipating her introduction to this world but alas, the waiting is still continuing. Her last date is on the 22nd of this month. If she is still in her mother's womb by then, the doctor will have to induce her. There's still about a week to go so anything can happen during this period. As for me, I welcome her anytime. The mother has her hospital bag ready since the beginning of this month. This is very unlike Maisarah who couldn't wait. She was early. As a result, she weighed only 1.9kg at birth. Her soon to be younger sister was already 3kg last week.
Its normal
At almost sixty years old, I have found my inner peace, I think. Nowadays I don't get upset easily. I don't get excited easily. I don't get angry easily. I know me. Things might be haywire around me but I am cool as a cucumber. I have learned to take them as they come. I understand now there's no purpose in getting upset or angry or being worried if it not going to change anything. It will only make my heart beat faster, my blood to boil and in the long run, I am the one who will suffer. I know that the world is round so nothing stays the same forever. One day I might feeling on top of the world and one day I might feeling down in the doldrums but its ok. Its normal.
Tuesday, March 15, 2016
What else?
When things can go wrong, it will go wrong. That's has been my day since yesterday. First my phone is giving me problem. The charger is faulty. I can't charge it. Then I found that my car has got no power. I press on the pedal but only the sound goes up. The speed remains the same. Later in the day, the ceiling in the living room of my rented house fell. A result of termites eating away the structures. This morning, on reaching my office, there was another bad news. An upgrading that we are doing has failed during testing. That was after it has been delayed already. Now there will be further delay. Hmm… what else?
Monday, March 14, 2016
Full of surprises
At my age, I should be enjoying the fruits of my labour but fortunately or unfortunately, I am not. I am still struggling to make ends meet, at almost sixty years old. Still wondering about how the future will be. Will I be able to support my family? Its something I never anticipated but then, in life, I have learned to never anticipate anything! A lot of things that are happening to me now I never thought about before. It never cross my mind that one day I will buy a motorcycle and ride to work. What more, I enjoy it. It never cross my mind that one day I will be asked to give a religious talk at a surau or mosque but it happened. It never cross my mind that I will be the imam and giving the sermon for an Eid festival prayer but I did. There are many other examples of things happening to me now I never anticipate. Life, as they say, is full of surprises.
Car problem again
The problem with the car is still not solved. This morning I press on the pedal, the rev per minute was almost reaching maximum yet the car was barely doing sixty. It was a struggle. Something is not right. I need to go to the workshop again. Its okay with me but the problem as usual is when it comes to the money issue. It will burn a hole in my pocket for sure. The quota when my company pays for the repair work is long over. That was when I changed my tires and replaced my radiator earlier in the year. Now I have to pay myself. Sigh…….
Sunday, March 13, 2016
At a crossroad
No more traveling for me until the baby is born. In shaa Allah it will happen within the next one week or so. Its been quite sometime already, the waiting I mean. In the meantime, I will be in KL till the day comes. Soon I hope. Its great to be back home after all the traveling last week. First to Miri and then to Bakun. At the moment, my future with my present company is uncertain. I will be sixty in July. That's the compulsory retirement age. If I have to leave, I will have to look for a new job elsewhere. if not, I will continue. My preference? off course I would like to continue.
Back home
Managed to change my flight from Sunday morning to an earlier flight on Saturday evening. That means I will be back home one day earlier. That's a real bonus after being away for almost the whole week. The meeting in Bakun finished Saturday afternoon so I didn't miss or skip anything by going home a bit earlier. Reached home last night about 10pm. This morning I didn't go for the morning prayer at the surau. Was too tired. About a week now I have not been to the surau. Just too busy with traveling to Sarawak. Anyway, its nice to be back home.
Wednesday, March 9, 2016
Sunday drag
Tomorrow I will be flying again. Will be in Bakun until Sunday when I will travel back to KL. That will mean I will be away from the house for two consecutive Sundays. That's a real drag but what to do. The meetings have been arranged as such. I have no choice but to travel on Sunday when I actually prefer to be resting at home. Its a time for rest and recuperation. To be with the family. To enjoy the other parts of my world besides work. To take a ride on my bike. To …….
Do them fast
I am back in KL after a two nights stay in Miri. However, it will be only for a day. I'm flying to Bintulu and onwards to Bakun tomorrow. In Miri, I attended a course specially made for people about to retire. At fifty nine, I was the youngest participant. It was a good two day session. I learned a lot especially on estate planning. There are more than 60 billion worth of assets stuck all because of no estate planning. The wife or children unable to claim them because there is nothing to show. They can claim but it will take years and years, that is if they are successful. More often than not, they will fail. So, now I know what I need to do and I need to do them fast.
Sunday, March 6, 2016
Everything will be fine
Hopefully the baby will be born after I have come back from my duties in Sarawak. It will be a real blow if I can't be with the mother and her on the day she is born. It is something I look forward to but work is work. I can't run away from work. Therefore I have to be away in Sarawak almost the whole of next week. Its a tough time to be away but in shaa Allah everything will be fine.
That's the way it is
This Sunday will be traveling again. It is something which I don't like because Sunday is meant to be a rest day. Unfortunately, an event has been arranged on Monday in Miri so I have no choice but to travel on Sunday. This is the second time within a month I travel on a Sunday. A few weeks ago it was to Bakun. Next week will be worse. On both Saturday and Sunday I will be tied up with work. Saturday there's a meeting in Bakun meaning on Sunday I travel back to KL. Then on Monday its work as usual. That's the way it is.
Friday, March 4, 2016
Repair again
My car is having problem again. This time its the power. There's no power when I accelerate. No power when I press hard on the pedal. Alhamdulillah I manage to get home safely yesterday. Tomorrow I will send it to the workshop again. This time I will have to pay as my quota for the year when the company pays for the repair is already gone. Its only March! Hope there's no more repair for the rest of the year in shaa Allah. Otherwise it will burn a hole in my pocket. Sigh…….
A detour in the morning
Its Friday. That means its biking day to work. Decided to have a detour to Taman Tun Dr Ismail (TTDI) before going to the office. Have breakfast there just for a change. Sometimes its gets a bit boring going to the same places everyday. There's about three restaurant at my place of work. Been rotating between the three for the last three years. After breakfast went round TTDI to have a look around. With the motorbike its possible. Its funny the place is a few minutes from my office but I very very seldom go there. Mostly I head for PJ for my errands like going to the bank or for Friday prayer.
Thursday, March 3, 2016
Regular supply
Looks like I have to go Pantai Medical hospital again for my regular supply of medicine soon. Its a monthly thing. Been taking the medicine since seven to eight years ago. One for cholesterol, one for slowing down the heartbeat and one for thinning the blood. Every month I go there to replenish my supply. Every three months the doctor will check me. That has been the routine. Alhamdulillah, my former employer is paying for my check up and medicine. Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to afford them. Next week I will be busy with trips to Miri and Bakun in shaa Allah so I have to go either today or tomorrow as what I have now will only last a few days more.
Fifty nine going on sixty
The three leading candidates for the presidency of the US of A are all older than me. Oldest is B. Saunders at 74. Next comes D. Trump at 69 followed by H. Clinton at 68. I'm only reaching 60 this July. So, what does it indicates? Age is not a factor, that's what it indicates. What matters most is health. If you are healthy, you can still reach for the sky, even when you are in the seventies. I draw inspiration from these three people. That reaching sixty or being in the sixties does not mean you are old and have to retire. There's a lot more that you can do, like wanting to be the president of the US of A! In shaa Allah, I can still have my goals. I can still have my dreams. I can still reach for the sky! After all, I'm only fifty nine going on sixty.
Wednesday, March 2, 2016
My parents
This year I will reached sixty years old in shaa Allah. Time really flies. Looking at the photos when I was a young kid, can't believe how long ago it has been. Suddenly my heart felt heavy. I am missing my parents. They have taken care of me, fed me, gave me warmth and shelter, made me to what I am today. Without them I would not have survived this far. I wish I can pay back what they have given me although I know I never can. I know I have not done enough for them. If only I can turn back the clock. Now I can only pray to Allah to forgive them for their shortcomings, to place them among the believers and be in the best of paradise.
When I was a kid
Received this photo yesterday. I must be about 8 to 9 years old then. Three in the photo has met their creator, my mother, my eldest brother and my second eldest sister. Its been almost sixteen years since our mother left us. Yesterday I visited her grave. Been doing that quite regularly as my office is only a few minutes away. I pray for her well being in the next world and Allah to forgive all her sins. In shaa Allah, we will meet again.
Cause me a bomb.
On Monday I had a scare with my car. The cooling water had been leaking for quite sometime but it was only in small amount. Every few weeks I had to top up when the signal comes. Then on Monday the signal came again when I started the car to go to work. I filled up and drive to work. After work when I started the car to go home, the signal came again. What a surprised! It can only mean the water is leaking badly now. I filled up and drove home. It was scary cause I was very afraid all the water might just leaked causing the engine to seize up. Repair will cause me a bomb. Alhamdulillah I reached home safely. The fact that the road was unusually empty also helped. Unfortunately, the radiator and all the accessories had to be changed. It cause me a bomb all the same albeit a smaller one.
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