Sunday, April 21, 2019

Satu hari ke Sekincan

Berhenti makan di Restoran Keropok Losong yang terkenal di Tanjung karang. Boleh tahan juga keropoknya. Tambah pula dengan kuahnya yang sedap. Apa lagi pulon la........

Di Sekincan

Sampai Sekincan terus tuju ke kawasan sawah padi. Wow! Sungguh indah pemandangannya. Sejauh mata memendang sawah padi terbentang luas.

Di Galeri Padi PLS Marketing

Lepas tu pergi ke Kilang padi untuk lihat dengan lebih dekat tentang kerja kerja tanam dan tuai padi. Hmm......setelah banyak tahun, sekarang baru tahu. Pernah belajar duu tapi lupa.

Makan dan beli beras

Lepas degar taklimat jalan jalan sambil makan dan beli berbagai beras yang di jual di situ

Thursday, February 28, 2019


Who knows

Its been ten years since I started this blog. After ten long years, I'm feeling a bit of stale updating. Not much passion in it. Its updating for the sake of updating. I write mechanically, with little feeling. Maybe I should start doing a different thing. Close the chapter on this blog. Do something else where the passion and enthusiasm is greater. Who knows......

Must find another time

Wow! Ten long days already since I last update this blog. A very long time indeed. Nowadays, the time just didn't fit in. I used to update in the morning but these days, I am occupied with something else most morning. I wake up at five in the morning. Do my night prayer, then the Subuh prayer at the mosque, then reading and memorising the Quran after I get back from the mosque. By this time, Akid and Maisarah would already be getting ready for school. Munirah will either be still sleeping or awake. That's when I have to stop doing what I am doing to focus on the kids. So, I have no time to update in the morning. Must find another time!